CI Weather Related Guidelines
As we enter the wonderful world of winter in Minnesota, just a quick reminder that in the event of a weather-related cancellation, students will be notified by e-mail. In addition, details will be posted on or
The Catechetical Institute follows protocol for the University of St. Thomas with respect to canceling classes. If the university reports weather-related cancellations, this would include the Catechetical Institute regardless of the class location. You may also call 651-962-SNOW (7669) for updates on closings. If a satellite location closes due to weather, students at that location will be notified via email, and it will be posted on the website.
Should you choose not to attend class due to the weather, you may watch the lesson online by logging in with your password and clicking on the Live Stream link. You will be required to turn in a copy of your homework to your small group facilitator the following week. Please let your facilitator know if you will not be in small group.