Liturgy of the Hours: (Sept. 19 & Oct 3) or (Nov.7 & Nov. 21)
Book of Revelation Study: Oct 1 - Nov 26, 2024
Three Ages of the Interior Life: Nov 19-Dec 17, 2024

Seven Times a Day, I Praise You

A Two-week Lecture Series Offered Twice

Choose the location that works for you!

Cathedral of Saint Paul (Sept. 19 & Oct. 3 )

St. John Neumann, Eagan (Nov. 7 & Nov. 21)

Thursdays, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.



The lecture series, Seven Times a Day, I Praise You - Learn to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours, is an excellent opportunity for you to experience the beauty of the “official” prayer of the Church and discover why this prayer has held such a profoundly important role in the lives of Catholics throughout history. This two-evening series will explain how to pray Liturgy of the Hours and teach you how to incorporate it into your daily life.

Taught by CI instructor and Archdiocesan Director of Discipleship and Evangelization, Deacon Joe Michalak, this two-evening course will offer the lectures that cover:     

  • An overview of the basic format of this beautiful liturgy
  • How to pray Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
  • How the Psalms are prayed as Christian prayer
  • Praying the Liturgy of the Hours through the liturgical seasons and for feasts
  • Incorporating Liturgy of the Hours into your broader prayer life

A workbook will be provided. Liturgy of the Hours Books will be available for purchase on-site or at

Liturgy of the Hours Apps for your phone or tablet can be found at

Cathedral of Saint Paul (Sept. 19 & Oct. 3 ) - Online Registration

St. John Neumann, Eagan (Nov. 7 & Nov. 21) - Online Registration